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"O" is probably one of the most difficult letters, food wise, because it's quite difficult to think of foods starting with it. I have already done oysters in the previous ABC Wednesday rounds, we didn't have any olives, and I didn't go out to buy an orange, so I just went for the next best thing - orange juice. This picture was something I took last January, for a photo blog meme asking for a "drink / beverage" picture, but I didn't use this particular picture because I realized many participants would use the same shot (pouring the beverage into the glass). I did like this picture... and I didn't want this one to be sitting inside the folder, so I figured I would just use it here.
There are quite a lot of quotes that go with orange, orange juice, or simply juice... but I chose this one because it was inspirational... I think. Well, I think you would agree with the quote - if you are squeezed, that's the time you let go of things you don't realize you can do... like when you're in a very tough situation and you think you can't handle it, then after everything, you will just be amazed that you were able to get past it - as long as you don't quit, of course.
Well, this may not be 100% orange juice because this was already processed and packaged, but then again, this is still orange juice, and a whole lot of squeezing has been made just to make this refreshing drink.
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