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It's time for Monday Foodstagram once again. Here are the food pics I posted on Instagram last week.Instant Coffee
FatMumSlim's prompt for that day's Photo a Day was "early," and for me, the best way to perk me up early in the morning is a cup of hot coffee. My favorite instant coffee mix as of late has been San Mig White Coffee.
Sinampalukang Manok
When the girls and I went to the market the day before, I saw a stall selling young tamarind leaves and immediately craved for Sinampalukang Manok, which I cooked for lunch. Gloomy weather calls for comfort food, and this one was a sure winner.
Pancakes and Bacon
I truly don't like my sister to skip meals, so to make sure she eats before she leaves the house for work, I cooked pancakes and bacon for us three girls for breakfast. I used the Maya Pancake Mix for this - the one that only needs water (no need for egg and butter), but I used one part milk one part water just to make it tastier. I rarely cook pancakes in the house as it is not my favorite food - unless I pair it with something savory, but true enough this pancake mix was so easy to work with. I also didn't need to grease the pan, I just mixed the batter, heat the pan and cook. Flipping it was easy, too! For that "something savory," I cooked bacon, something I miss eating. I like my bacon still soft, my sister likes it very crispy... so this was a compromise. It wasn't soft, but not crispy yet.
Salad with Grapes
The good thing about having a big marketplace nearby is the surprise at what you will find. For that day, my mom and I saw a sidewalk vendor selling grapes at only 50 pesos per half a kilo, super cheap compared to the ones being sold at the fruit stands. Walking home, I also got to see a vendor selling lolo rosso lettuce for only 10 pesos a bunch, and for lunch I prepared salad to go with the fried tilapia. It was my first time to add grapes in my salad, and it turned out to be good. Hopefully we get to see more fruits at cheap prices so we can eat healthy without creating a hole into the wallet.
Sausage Meal at Kenny Rogers
Yesterday, us girls went to the mall to eat lunch and shop for groceries. Sister decided to eat at Kenny Rogers Roasters and I went for the Sausage Meal because I wasn't in the mood to eat something heavy. The menu didn't indicate (or it totally slipped my eyes) that rice was included, so instead of coleslaw, I went for Mac & Cheese as my side dish. I was pretty dismayed when I saw my plate...carbs overload! Well, I didn't eat the rice anymore... the muffin and the macaroni were enough for me.
Salad with Mango Vinaigrette
While at the supermarket, I got to see a bottle of Clara Ole Mango Mio! vinaigrette and decided to buy it. Since I still had the carbo horror from lunch, I decided to just prepare salad for us girls - no rice, no other viands... just salad. For protein, I cooked ground pork in olive oil seasoned with salt, pepper, and oregano leaves until crispy, and I also added some cashew nuts. The vinaigrette was sweet and tangy, kinda like Frutos or Fruit Tella candies... but I liked it. Using it, I didn't feel the need to buy mangoes for my salad anymore.
Just six food pictures from last week; hopefully this week I can share more pictures. Have a great Monday, everyone!
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