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We have had a lovely break in the weather lately. It has been 62 and above all week. I don't think spring is here to stay just yet, but I really truly appreciate the mini break from winter.
We have done things like wash the cars in our driveway, go for walks and bike rides and think about plans for the summer. There are no kids in our neighborhood for my little ones to play with. With the warm weather setting in, I have started to think about purchases that will keep my little ones playing outside and together. We have not lived in this house long and had to leave most of our fun outdoor activities behind in the move. Things like our wonderful swing set and our Trampoline.
I noticed that CSN is having a sale and is offering free shipping. I may have to head on over there and window shop and dream about summer. How about you? Have you had any daydreams about your summer plans yet?
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